Thank you for your interest in the Youth Suicide Prevention Durham (YSPD). YSPD is a collaborative partnership with representation from a variety of sectors including education, health, community-based mental health and addictions service, child protection youth justice and more. We recognize that prevention of suicide cannot be accomplished by one person, organization or institution alone; it requires support from the whole community.
In an effort to build a "suicide-safer community" YSPD has had many successes and accomplishments to date, which include:
- Launching the Durham-specific version of the Be Safe app, a resource for children and youth experiencing crisis. This app is also now available in the French Language;
- Providing free Train-the-Trainer opportunities for safeTalk trainers;
- Providing low-cost Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) and safeTalk sessions for community members through our network of trainers;
- Supporting all sectors to recognize youth at risk along with providing sustainability by ensuring all sectors have trained trainers;
- Observing and supporting World Suicide Prevention Day on an annual basis.
- Developing a Community Report on Youth Suicide Prevention in Durham Region to identify the community, organization and individual strengths and needs pertaining to youth suicide prevention, as discussed through community forums;
- Initiating the New Mentality Youth Group for Durham Region, in an effort to provide an opportunity to engage with youth in a preventative manner;
- Developing and sharing Media Reporting Guidelines with our media partners;
- Creating the Community Guidelines for Youth Suicide Postvention;
- Creating a suicide prevention wallet card Know What to Say and Do - Preventing Youth Suicide;
We all can play a role in preventing suicide. Individuals in many roles and at all levels of our community in Durham, can all contribute to preventing suicide. Youth Suicide Prevention Durham welcomes new members and support from the community. To learn more about Youth Suicide Prevention Durham, contact Chair, Amy Smith | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On behalf of the Youth Suicide Prevention Durham,
Amy Smith
Chair YSP